Text © Linda Dawn Hammond 1990 / 2015.

Photos of police beatings at Love-In © Hiram Schmerer 1990 .

The Love-in Arrests and Inside Station 25

Arrests 1 and 2 ©Hiram Schmerer 1990

The Arrests.

One of the cops signalled and they all moved on us at once, taking us down row by row. I was the third row in, the 2 leather guys on my left and a young girl to my right. We clung onto each other's arms and watched in horror as they progressed towards us, smashing people and dragging them away. The poor girl directly in front of us received the full force of a matraque under her ribcage. I felt the leather guy's arm rip from my grasp and saw a flash of them being hit - severely. We were next. I turned to the girl beside me and said, "Don't look at them- look down..." Besides being afraid of a disfiguring hit in the face, I didn't want to look up into their eyes and show fear- which would have been unavoidable; I was truly scared but refused to give them that satisfaction. I don't recall being hit- it was all a blur. I found myself being pushed into a waiting police wagon full of people, surprised to see sidewalk burns on my upper arm as I didn't recall being dragged on the ground. Others were in far worse shape than I- nasty greenish-yellow bruises beginning to appear on their bodies. I suspected that perhaps the cops had handled me a bit more carefully due to the publicity my photos had received. It was awful in the wagon. Besides being hot, anxious and packed in like sardines, we could hear terrible screaming outside but couldn't see or do a thing. Then the vehicle started its engine and drove us aimlessly around town for what seemed to be an hour, until we were finally returned to the original location and brought into Station 25.

Arrests 3 ©Hiram Schmerer 1990

Inside Station 25.

A more detailed account of the Sexgarage events as seen through my eyes, including what happened in Station 25, and afterwards, will be in my upcoming book, and almost ALL of the photos from that night. See back here for updates on its release in August, 2015.!


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