Masked Avengers©Linda Dawn Hammond 2001

Jaggi Singh's Undercover Police Abduction!

Summit Articles

Summarizing protest and media coverage- corporate and Indy

By Arthur Neslen Includes account of abductions, FTQ Interference during parade

Two Articles Allegedly Documenting Police Strategies. These documents were posted on the web following the Friday April 19, 2001 break-in of a police van in Quebec City. The police response was essentially- don't believe everything you read. They could have been altered to suit the purposes of those who would mislead us! Whoever they may be. At any rate, the articles deal with alleged SQ strategies towards controlling the protesters and suggest the tactical use of teargas combined with wind direction- a strategy they did employ. They may serve to explain WHY corporate media became a special target of the protesters. As well as revealing spies operating within anti-FTAA organizations, it is believed that the police were also tipped off by a TV station.

Two Articles, including the official announcement from the Seattle IMC SpokescouncilApril 21- 27, 2001

Book By Noreena Hertz

By Raymond Parker Photography and articles on People's Summit and protest

Pre-Summit Articles

Border Protests Saturday April 21, 2001

Two Articles allegedly from Black Bloc members Posted on the web

Sticks and stones...

Report by Lyle Stewart

Article by Naomi Klein of NO LOGO

Lawyers shun summit- Prosecutors say they're being used to control protest

Army Surplus Story: Pre-Summit Police Preparation in Montreal by Linda Dawn Hammond


DRILLING for OIL:Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Two Articles on José Bové

José Bové by Linda Dawn Hammond

This Article Gives a Valuable Overview on the Issues at Stake!

CDN Postal Union Article By JEFF GRAY

Free Trade Results in Job Losses

A statement, Stop the GATS Attack Now!, which has been prepared by an international network of civil society organizations working on WTO issues. An important assessment of the GATS negotiations [General Agreement on Trade in Services]

Unholy Mess by Vandana Shiva

Arpad Pusztai by Linda Dawn Hammond

FTAA Links and Articles

See French links for further information!

Uncensored Indy Media Reports

Centre for Media Alternatives of Quebec Many reports, but not uncensored.

Operation SalAMI!is a direct action network born in the context of a citizens' campaign against the Multilateral Agreement on Investments




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Counter Set April 4, 2001